Talk to Read Research

Research Behind Talk to Read

A series of field-based studies have examined the utility and efficacy of Talk to Read as a literacy acceleration program that is feasible for classroom adoption. Below are a few highlights and sample research reports. 


For example, findings indicate that learners can experience 50% inaccuracies when using dictation technologies yet 0 instances of mistaken word identity. In addition, dictation inaccuracies can become fodder for explicitly contextualized phonics instruction


Findings indicate that learners who struggle to read, can develop over 97% sight vocabulary accuracy when reading words they generated with dictation technologies and incorporated in personally relevant compositions. 


On average, 50% of learners’ dictated words are high-frequency words which they were likely to encounter when reading unfamiliar texts thus preparing them to encounter unfamiliar texts. 


Conversely, 50% of learners’ dictated words were absent from third through ninth grade high-frequency words lists indicating that participants developed 97% accuracy for words beyond ninth grade and/or their struggles are unrelated to their abilities to read. 


Findings indicate that learners classified as struggling readers can develop self-efficacy and become eager readers and writers when participating in Talk to Read

References & Suggested Readings

Baker, E. A. (2017). Apps, iPads, and Literacy: Examining the Feasibility of Speech Recognition in a First-Grade Classroom. Reading Research Quarterly, 52(3).     


Baker, E. A., & Bradley, C. (2021). Closing the gap between oral lexicons and sight vocabulary: The potential of speech recognition technologies. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy.

Conversations with Dr. Baker about Talk to Read

Goodwin, A. & Baker, E. A. (2019). Implications for using speech recognition to support literacy. Bridging Research to Practice: Live with the Author [video interview]. Newark, DE: International Literacy Association.

Lile, D. & Baker, E. A. (2018). University of Missouri Professor of Literacy Studies. Columbia Morning with David Lile [radio interview]. Columbia, MO: KFRU News Talk.